Groups are like Glue

I don't claim to be a doctor or a physio therapist, but I do claim some mastery in intuition, reading an audience when I perform and present, and my Flow and Flair work with people with disabilities.

I have the pleasure to work with some awesome adults at Special Citizens Futures Unlimited virtually and their

willingness to show what they can do with each other as a group is something awesome to see.

As humans, we naturally crave a social construct at some level and when we are a little bit different than the lot, we

sometimes can't verbalize when we want to connect and socialize, so we show it.

My kids, as I lovingly call all our groups with Flow and Flair, are like Glue when they work together to do something that

shows they know what I am asking... in their own unique ways...with those mini-flags 🙂 so that I see a chorus of movers and shakers proudly getting their dance and exercise in before lunch time.

Group Glue...wonderful.


Practice to Conquer Your "Stuck"